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3 Easy New Year's Resolutions for Diabetics
3 Easy New Year's Resolutions for Diabetics

2019 is here, and it’s time to start considering some resolutions for the year ahead.
If you're living with diabetes, now might be the time to come up with some resolutions to control your diabetes. With the new year, you have a renewed opportunity to get a better handle on your health, happiness, and diabetes.
However, this can be easier said than done.
In order to stick to your resolutions from January to December, your goals must be measurable, action-oriented, and realistic. Here are a few tips to create reasonable goals to manage your diabetes. These goals are great stepping stones toward creating the best New Year's Resolutions for diabetics.
New Year's Resolutions for Diabetics
1. Modify your diet to accommodate your diabetes

Most people want to eat better in the new year, but a resolution for diabetics shouldn't be so vague. When living with diabetes, it’s important to maintain a low level of refined sugars, carbohydrates, and fats. However, cutting all of these from your diet is unreasonable.
There are many recent studies that show the people who try to go cold turkey are less successful in sticking with their resolutions. In order to eliminate refined sugars, carbohydrates, and fats from your diet, create gradual goals.
For example, if you are looking to cut out refined sugars, start by limiting yourself to half the amount you normally intake. As February rolls around, cut it to 40%. Gradually wean yourself off of refined sugar each month until it's a moderate, or low number.
2. Know your numbers
It is important to know and understand your personal numbers related to blood pressure, cholesterol, and A1C. But it's difficult to keep up with tracking them every day.
Starting in the new year, keep a journal to record all levels according to the schedule provided by your doctor. This will help you monitor any irregularities and determine what triggers a spike in your blood sugar.
This is a seemingly simple goal, but it's a great resolution for diabetics. Your numbers are often overlooked, but if you don't know your numbers, you'll never be in charge of your diabetes.
3. Choose an exercise plan that is right for you
Exercising more is always at the top of everyone’s New Year’s Resolution list. However, deciding to run five miles every day isn't realistic. 20-30 minutes each day is the recommended amount of exercise for most.
But don't just make "running more" your resolution. Choosing an activity that you can stick to, whether it be walking for 20 minutes or swimming a certain amount of laps, is crucial to making a difference in your everyday life.
The most important part of New Year's Resolutions for diabetics is to make sure they are enriching your life and not adding stress. Approach the new year with a positive attitude and a willingness to change to make this year better than the last.
Living with diabetes can be easier this year than it was last year if you resolve to stick to these goals and taking charge of your health.