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How To: Prep Kids & Family for Safe Return to School
How To: Prep Kids & Family for Safe Return to School
General practices can be implemented into your daily routine to prepare your kids and family for a safe return to school. Many states have made it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask and social distance including those starting at elementary.
Whether or not PPE is required to attend your specific school district is another question altogether. It is highly recommended by national health experts. To best ensure your kids and family have a safe return to school, please visit your district and state website.
Return to School: District Health Guidelines
Not everyone has to return in person, but some do. Please check carefully and read your child's school district handbook. This handbook is found on the district or school website. If you can’t find it, call or email them to get a copy. Schools across the United States have different Covid-19 policies, but they must be followed.
It is best to stay actively updated with your local health news and reading credible health information. If you don’t know where to look, visit your state or local health department website.
You can find your state site by simply typing in your state name and .gov in a google search. This will ensure you get the correct website because the expectation from citizens in every state is different. You will also find a link on Covid-19 expectations.
For national information on health guidelines and safe practices, follow health guidelines here.
For Family Going Out
Make sure you sanitize daily and take precautions seriously. Sanitize your hands once you get home from work and when you pick up kids from school. If possible, shower and change clothes that you have worn for long periods of time in another location is best.
This is the best way to not spread the virus or contaminate shared areas. For example, places your children will sit or touch; like your car or frequently visited household places like the bathroom or kitchen. The same guidelines should follow as children leave and enter the house as well.

In schools that require social distancing; all children should have opportunities to frequently wash their hands and use hand sanitizer. Specific questions regarding how the school's sanitation schedule looks and what PPE they have depends on the school. Again, this varies across the nation. Guidelines regarding Covid-19 practices are on the district website or in your school district student handbook.
Send your child to school with extra PPE. For example, hand sanitizers and extra masks. We have preassembled PPE protection kits available now on!
These are convenient for kids and adults! Read school rules in the student handbook to see if they are allowed to take extra PPE to school. Additionally, remind your kids to wash hands and throw dirty clothes in the laundry as soon as they get home.
For Family At Home
If your family has decided to opt for online learning, best practices should still be followed. To avoid the spread of the virus, be aware of children or other family members that frequently leave the house.
If you leave your house, you should continue to follow the national health guidelines and keep your mask on while social distancing even around family members.

Wash your hands in warm water for 20 seconds. This is a general practice for everyone. Even if you think you don’t leave the house, do you get shipments of food or essentials? Those come home even if you don't go out.
Continue to wash all used items like bedsheets and towels as frequently as possible. Cloth masks should be worn once a day or per trip depending on sanitation practices.
Only you truly know your family’s daily routines. Sanitize high traffic areas as much as possible whether they are learning online or return to school.
Additionally, understand district guidelines may change. Children at home may have to go to school on a moment’s notice or vice versa. Furthermore, it's best for children to have social distancing practices down in case you're not with them.
We have the best disposable masks on the market with the highest filtration rate, we have them in stock here. The effective safety measure is to be consistent with sanitation and mindful of the safety of everyone involved.