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Heart disease prevention requires higher level of cardio fitness

American Heart Month: Is Heart Disease Prevention as Easy as Walking?

American Heart Month: Is Heart Disease Prevention as Easy as Walking?

walking around the block

There have been many studies about the best heart disease prevention methods. Many of those studies have focused on the link between walking and decreased risk of heart disease. But new studies show that it may not be as simple as walking around the block.

More studies revealed that how fast you walk makes a difference in your risk of heart disease. Not only that, but those with a lower BMI were at a higher risk for a heart disease-related event.

Evidence suggests that those with a higher level of overall fitness, including an overall higher level of cardiovascular fitness will prevent heart disease later in life. A higher level of cardiovascular fitness means walking faster, or even running more often.

How Does Walking aid Heart Disease Prevention?

Heart Disease Prevention requires higher level of cardio fitness

Walking Speed

Studies showed those who participated in “moderate-intensity walking” or were brisk walkers reduced their risk of heart disease by half. So now we know it’s not as easy as parking further from the office to help reduce your risk. Heart disease prevention requires a shift in focus to overall fitness.

Instead, commit to 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity walking. Pick up the pace to reduce your risk!

If you feel like you’re walking slower than you used to, you should talk to your doctor. This can be a sign of heart disease.

Keep Your BMI in a Healthy Range

Once we reach the age of 40 and above, our muscle mass starts to decrease. And it becomes a little more challenging to gain muscle mass as we get older. While cardiovascular fitness is important for maintaining heart health, overall fitness is more important.

Increase your resistance training to maintain a healthy BMI.

If it’s something new to you, start with just body weight exercises to increase your strength before moving onto anything too heavy or difficult for you.

Overall fitness and health are important to avoid heart disease. Since heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States, it’s important that this American Heart Month you commit to increasing both your cardiovascular fitness by walking faster and your resistance training!

Share with us the ways you stay fit and healthy below!

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